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Vol. 13 (2019): Los Retos de la Competitividad ante la Industria 4.0 978-607-96203-0-8

Satisfacción del servicio al cliente como factor de influencia de valor de marca, para los cafés ubicados en la ciudad de Orizaba Veracruz

March 26, 2020



National markets are full because they are presence in from of a lot foreign brands, this force local companies to research the way showing a similar competitive level that let them being in commercial sector. So that reason, analyzing how customer service quality is an important factor that affect in brand equity for customers its essential for companies, because allows to show the relevance of not only offering a product or service, they needs improve timely attention too. This investigation analyzed coffee shops sector in Orizaba, Veracruz with a cross-sectional nonexperimental quantitative analysis with correlational scope, where it found than satisfaction for the perceived quality of coffee shops service to customers it’s a factor that generates brand value.


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