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Vol. 9 Núm. 1 (2015): La competitividad frente a la incertidumbre global: 978-607-96203-4


abril 6, 2016


This study is aimed to discover the reasons for the employees to accept or not the Security Information Policies implemented in their organizations (SIPC), in México. FiveFactors are considered: Attitude (ATT); Self Efficacy (SEF); Information Perceptions (IFP); Rewards (REW) and Penalties (PNY) with 21 Variables as indicators. A questionnaire was designed and applied to 195 employees involved in  the SME Software Sector in Guadalajara (SSG) México that conform the value chain, including: designers, manufacturers and suppliers; the confidence was measured with Cronbach’s Alpha (.87) and it was applied Structural Equations Modelling (SEM) to discover the 3 SIPC underlying variables in the mode The organizations must be aware about these results, because a great percentage of the attacks are originated from inside by an or few employees who consciously (or not) are not following the procedures and standards that the policies described.


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