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Vol. 8 Núm. 1 (2014): Innovación y competitividad. Impulsores del desarrollo. ISBN: 978-607-96203-0-3

Type of innovation and customer knowledge management, in Mexico

noviembre 30, 2016


The Type of Innovation as an Innovation Process component, increases the competitive advantage of the firms. The Customer Knowledge Management, influences the Firm´s Process Innovation, based on the sense of information:  for, from and about the customers, that increase the market opportunities. Hence, the aim of this paper is to determine the model and the most significant indicators from the Type of Innovation related with Customer Knowledge Management.  We questioned 200 CEOs from the Software Developer Sector in Guadalajara City, México and by Using of the Inferential Statistics, we found only 2 relevant indicators from 7, situation that might be improved to rise new competitive advantages.


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