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Vol. 5 No. 1 (2011): La competitividad, elemento clave para la recuperación económica

The influence of cultural Differences on the perception of a web site :a comparision between México and U.S

June 27, 2016


Research on cultural differences has been based on disciplines such as anthropology, business or communication, focusing on cultural differences and the perception of the site, but always with a technical scheme. The cultural background in the development of the Website is important to avoid mistakes that may cause bad image to the customer. Nantel and Glaser (2008) have found that language, a major cultural factor, is less important when the quality of the offered products is attractive to the buyers.  To see how the website is perceived by two different cultures a Website was made by Spanish speaking country (Mexico), but designed in English, trying to remove traces of the cultural background from the Mexican company that designed and implemented the website.


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