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Vol. 11 (2017): El valor del conocimiento y efectos en la competitividad: ISBN 978-607-96203-0-6

Measurement and analysis to improve Competitiveness

May 4, 2018


This article discusses the importance of innovation and knowledge as a sustainable

competitive advantage in the value chain of avocado exporters located in Uruapan,

Michoacán. The measurement include independent variables, dimensions and indicators,

taking the measurement up to this level allows knowing the source of competitive advantage.

The problem is to measure the impact of innovation and the knowledge generated by the

avocado value chain (nurserymen, producers, packers and transporters). Thus, the objective

of the research is to determine to what extent innovation and knowledge are the main

variables that affect the competitive advantage. This article is generated from scientific

research and has a descriptive-correlational design because it describes the subject and

because it determines the correlation of the independent variables with the competitive

advantages of the dependent variable in the value chain.


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