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Vol. 15 (2021): Reinventándose para la competitividad PostCovid19 ISBN 978-607-96203-0-10

Impact of the practices of knowledge management in the organizational performance: case banking sector in Mexico.

  • Claudia Leticia Preciado Ortiz
  • Ismael Loza Vega
March 14, 2022


The globalization of markets has modified the structures of business models. Organizations are
challenged to be more competitive every day, and knowledge management plays a very important role.
Financial markets are obliged banks to trust knowledge and be more efficient in managing their
This study is empirical of a qualitative nature and sought to compare the vision of managers with respect
to bank executives on the application of knowledge management practices that are carried out in the
sector and how they impact on organizational performance Interviews were conducted structured carried
out with the executive directors of six banking companies and questionnaires with 48 bank executives.
This first approach to the banking sector contributes to the literature on the subject as it is a pioneering
work in the country, the study highlights the emerging trends of the prevailing perspectives of CG among
bank employees and the main problems they face.


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