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Vol. 17 (2023): Resiliencia, valor de la innovación y sostenibilidad como ejes para la competitividad ISBN 978-607-96203-0-12

Exploring innovation´s impact on full-service restaurant industry within Guadalajara´s metropolitan area: A customers approach

February 9, 2024


The highly competitive environment of the restaurant industry drives the search for new ways and elements of efficient performance on a daily basis. One of the inner trends in this sphere is the development and application of a wide range of innovations and new factors that can serve as a powerful impetus for the development of such an industry. Innovations of all kinds are essential for both the viability and competitiveness of these enterprises. The current study aims to unveil the key drivers from a customer´s approach by considering a sample for infinitive populations. The measurement instrument was specifically designed to assess the impact on each dimension. Knowing what the real market demands and cares for ensures enterprises' growth and competitiveness. As a result, the analyzed data provided the whole industry with valuable considerations that will eventually turn into strategies.


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