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Vol. 8 No. 1 (2014): Innovación y competitividad. Impulsores del desarrollo. ISBN: 978-607-96203-0-3

Creative industries innovation using galois group theory

December 1, 2016


To address creative industries’ challenges with an innovative Fuzzy Logic approach. A robust methodological structure using Galois Group Theory and an intuitive application for decision making under uncertain conditions is proposed. Results conclude that products with different characteristics, properties and peculiarities can be grouped with a high confidence level through an intuitive fuzzy methodological approach. The present study pretends to shed light in grouping methodologies, attending challenges in which traditional grouping methods, which are mainly driven by trial and error efforts have not succeed before. The methodology is applied in order to group a specific city’s tourism products; the attempt is to achieve an effective decision making process. The originality of the study relies on the capacity and flexibility of the model to analyze different characteristics of diverse products under subjective and uncertain conditions and the implementation of solid theories from a fuzzy logic standpoint.


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