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Educación, gestion del conocimiento y creacion de valor

Vol. 16 (2022): Transformación digital como propuesta de valor para la competitividad ISBN 978-607-96203-0-11

Intention of entrepreneurship of undergraduate students of business sciences

diciembre 2, 2022


Business education plays an important role within universities, since, from their training role, they represent an important column in the development and training of new professionals to face the growing challenges that are presented in the current economic environment. The objective of this research is to determine the relationship of business education in the entrepreneurial intentions of university students through the Theory of Planned Behavior. A questionnaire is applied to 141 university undergraduates of the business careers of an Institution of Higher Education in northeast Mexico, and the statistical analysis by means of a second-generation statistical tool based on Modeling Equations Structural such as SmartPLS. The results highlight the importance of
entrepreneurial education in the entrepreneurial intentions of university students by developing favorable attitudes towards entrepreneurship. However, of the three factors that precede intentions, a lesser influence of subjective norms is observed for those with greater perceived behavioral control.


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